Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Everything That's Old Is New Again

When M was a little tiny baby I bought him a great floor gym at IKEA. 

Here he is playing with it. 
(You can thank me for the gratuitous chunky thigh shot later.)

When he started sitting up and really didn't play with it anymore, I let a friend borrow it for her son who is a couple of months younger than M. 

She recently returned it and M has really been loving playing with it.  One reason I bought it is that I thought that it would be a good transitional toy, since there are things on top and on the sides that could be played with once babe started standing up.  He's done all of those things, but has also used it as a push toy, and likes to fling it over to hear the big crash it makes.  That is usually when I take it away from him.  Hopefully we can keep it in one piece for the next Maedel baby to play with, but if Mitchell has his way it may not make it that long!

The open mouth "I'm Excited" face

I stared this post a few weeks ago and then forgot about it.  I finally bought the bullet and went out and got him a walking toy this past weekend.  I put it together Saturday and while he enjoys it, he still seems to prefer this one!

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